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New planting of "sibling trees" in the hospital forest

PEHSU Garrotxa

This past Friday, April 5, we organized the sixth planting of seedlings at the Hospital de la Garrotxa, within the project "Forests for health: one baby, one tree." This is an initiative that seeks to link all babies born to nature and that aims to stimulate protective factors and contact with nature from the moment of birth. In this edition, about fifty families have come to the center to plant a native species in a forest nearby .

The “A baby, a tree” project in La Garrotxa began at the end of 2020 with the help of the Garrotxa Naturalist and Ecologist Association and the Garrotxa Volcanic Zone Natural Park, as a sister experience started in 2014 from the Murcia Pediatric Environmental Health Unit (PEHSU Murcia) of the Virgen de la Arrixaca University Clinical Hospital. It currently has the participation of several health and educational services in the Garrotxa region.

You can learn more about the initiative in the information brochure (in Catalan):

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