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for children

  • I Curs de formació avançada en salut mediambiental pediàtrica (SMAP) - Xarxa PEHSU.CAT-OMS.
    I Curs de formació avançada en salut mediambiental pediàtrica (SMAP) - Xarxa PEHSU.CAT-OMS.
    10 May 2024, 13:30 – 14 Mar 2025, 14:30
    Formació continuada en salut mediambiental pediàtrica per a membres de la xarxa PEHSU.CAT basada en el paquet de formació de l'Organització Mundial de la Salut. Sessions quinzenals online els divendres de 13:30 a 14:30 del 10 de maig del 2024 al 14 de març 2025.
  • IV Curs de Formació Bàsica en Salut Mediambiental Pediàtrica (SMAP)  – XARXA PEHSU.CAT.  (1)
    IV Curs de Formació Bàsica en Salut Mediambiental Pediàtrica (SMAP)  – XARXA PEHSU.CAT.  (1)
    Wed, 16 Oct
    Microsoft Teams
    16 Oct 2024, 13:00 CEST – 30 Oct 2024, 14:00 CET
    Microsoft Teams
    16 Oct 2024, 13:00 CEST – 30 Oct 2024, 14:00 CET
    Microsoft Teams
    4ª edició de formació bàsica en Salut Mediambiental Pediàtrica (SMAP) per a pediatres i residents de pediatria.

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Health and the environment

The deterioration that ecosystems suffer and where children are born as well as live directly impacts their health quality of life. Aspects such as poverty, climate change, desertification, air pollution or exposure to legal or illegal drugs become not only social and environmental real challenges, but also a health threat. 

Basura en la playa
Niños jugando




Pediatric Environmental Health (PEH) or environmental pediatrics is a pediatric subspecialty which involves the prevention, detection, assessment, disease management and environmental risks which relate to children’s health.

Pediatric Environmental Health Units

These entities or PEHSU (clinical acronyms) are clinical units in which pediatricians, specialized in SMAP, health professionals and experts from various fields work together as a team so as to provide not only clinical care and community education but also training and professional qualifications, apart from agency and entities advice as well as research, which the World Health Organization places at the heart of SMAP management.

PEHSU Garrotxa

PEHSU Garrotxa

The PEHSU Garrotxa is the first Pediatric Environmental Health Unit in Catalonia, specialized in SMAP, where activities such as environmental screening of pregnancy are accomplished ("Green Page", smoking cessation of pregnancy appointment, mediation and consumption consultation and environmental pediatrics appointment, among others.

Where to find us?

The PEHSU Garrotxa is part of the Territorial Pediatric Team of La Garrotxa, a service of:
Logo Fundació Hospital d'Olot i Comarcal de la Garrotxa
Logo Institut Català de la Salut - Direcció d'Atenció Primària de Girona
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